Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Teacher Training :)

I have been humbly appointed as the Assistant Children Class Co-ordinator for Cluster Johor Bahru. This is my visit to the Bahai Community of Kulai. I met up with all the lovely dedicated children class teachers there and conducted a training on

1. Qualification and the station of a teacher - from the writings of Bahai faith
2. Revision of the Bahai National Curriculum for Children Class in Malaysia
3. Virtues - Speaking the language of virtue in class

We also played games and did a name tag- Teachers were required to write their names on it and then go around the room to write virtues on the cards of others. Seeing the positive noble virtues that lay latent in everyone of us.

I will share the training content shortly.
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A blog dedicated to Spiritual Education of children!

Creative training of young children spiritually.
Baha'i Children Classes are conducted all around the world by volunteer teachers to train and develop young minds spiritually through prayers, holy writings, virtues, creative art & craft, games and songs. We strive to offer our services to make the world a more peaceful and united place to live in. Everyone can play a part to change the world we live in in our little way.

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